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What Is Unschooling?

That's great question…. It’s defined as an educational method and philosophy that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning. It is more a lifestyle versus a type of homeschooling. There are no workbooks, no desks, no memorization, no set "time" for school, and no tests. The child is FREE to pursue their own interests and passions.


As the parent,  I am a mentor and work as support staff in my child’s educational process. My role is to help my children find ways to explore their interests. I, in turn put my trust in the choices they make and hold no forced agenda for their passions.

Play is an important foundational component of the unschooling method. Play unlocks the natural learning potential in children and often a child’s passions are fully expressed during play. They access a wide variety of skills and all foundational subjects can be learned through play when given the chance. Play gives the child a place to practice valuable real-world experiences, decision making & life skills while under the safety net of guidance and support.   

Play As The Educational Foundation

Empowerment Through Freedom Of Choice

Learning for Unschoolers is much like the way we as adults learn. We hear about something that peaks our interest. We might do a Google search about it or find a book about the subject. We dig deeper into it, weed out the information that is useful and disregard the information that is not. We do this in our business lives, our relationships with others, our health choices and our hobbies. Countless entrepreneurs employ this style of learning to propel themselves to the top. So why not allow your child to do the same NOW.  


By empowering your child to explore the world through their natural curiosities they gain endless experiences that will support them in future decision making. Our world is experiencing rapid advances. We are unable to “train” children today for the jobs of tomorrow. It will be the children that can assess the information, make educated determinations & implement out of the box solutions that will be the leaders of tomorrows workforce.

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